Tech Civil War: Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0

Tech Civil War: Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0

If you have a Twitter, it's hard to miss the constant Twitter battles about Web 3.0. These arguments range from: 'How Web 3.0 is better than 2.0', 'Why Web 3.0 will never be a thing', insert crypto, etc.

So for anyone who is not familiar with Web 3.0, I'll explain the difference.

Web 2.0

W2 is the current state of the internet. Most of the internet is run on servers owned by a few tech companies. I've read reports about how the 40% of the internet is run by AWS(Amazon). This has caused a lot of strife since a few companies can essentially control the internet. These companies can choose who can use their servers, and who can interact with the site.

Another huge thing, is the fact that a user has to forfeit their data in order to use the site(Facebook login, email login, etc.)

There's a growing community of people who believe the current state of the internet needs to be decentralized.

Web 3.0

W3 is a decentralized internet powered by the blockchain. Instead of websites being run on servers owned by Big tech companies, they will be running on a decentralized network of servers.

This community has also been called out by doubters.

Doubters are saying this is a pie in the sky dream, and there's no way Web 3.0 is a threat to the current state of the internet

Developer War

The Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0 debate has caused an ideological difference, and it's affecting developers at every level from beginner to senior.

Developers are taking jobs that pay less in order to be around Web 3.0. Senior engineers are also begging junior developers to not get caught up in the hype and to get whatever job is available to them.


My thoughts on this are that this entire thing is a bit silly. If you want to work for a traditional company in Wen 2.0, you're not a shill or company scab. It's perfectly fine to work and then transition to where ever you need to go later.

If Web 3.0 is going to happen, they're definitely going to need people with experience, so why not get that experience now in Web 2.0?
